Lab 1A
The purpose of this lab is to setup the Ardunio IDE and become familiar with the Artemis board. We also want to test all the hardware on the Artemis such as the temperature sensor and microphone.
The first step was to install all necessary software to support the Artemis. Also, it was necessary to acquire all the hardware to connect the Artmeis to our personal laptops.
Example: Blink it Up
After successfully connecting the Artemis to my laptop, I was able to open the "Blink it Up" example. The only necessary change was to alter the baud rate to the correct value. The video of the blinking is below.
Example: Serial
I was able to get the serial print to work. A video of the serial print in action is shown below.
Example: Analog Read
This example was meant to test the temperature sensor on the Artemis. As seen in the video below, the Artemis is able to get accurate temperature readings, and the readings change as my finger is placed on the chip to heat it up.
Example: Microphone Output
This example was meant to test the microphone on the Artemis. As seen in the video below, the Artemis is able to get accurate frequency readings from the ambient noise in the room. As I whistle in the video, you can see the frequency change up and down.
Additional Task: Musical "A"
For this addtional task for the 5000 level class, I wrote additional code that would illuminate the LED when the frequency captured by the microphone was roughly a musical note "A". This frequency happens to be around 440 Hz, so in my code, I accounted for any frequencies from 420 - 460 Hz. In the video, I am playing the musical note "A" via a video online in order to accurately measure the performance of the Artemis microphone. This task builds off of the previous task as well as the "Blink it Up" example.
Lab 1A Takeaways
While this lab was relatively straight forward, it proved to be a great introduction to the Artemis and some basic functionality on the board. The scope was both broad yet allowed us to dive deep enough to get a comprehensive understanding. I look forward to building off of this first lab throughout the remainder of the semester and robot bringup.